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April 23-27, 2025
Click Here for Birdiest Festival Website

Experience amazing spring migration along the Texas Gulf Coast in the busiest of U.S.
flyways, with two pre-trips; one post-trip; numerous field trips to famous South Texas
private ranch and coastal hot spots including world famous King Ranch; presentations
and workshops, bird walks; and Jonathan Wood Raptor Project presentations.

Other Festival highlights include six exclusive full-day trips;13 half-day trips, four of them NEW; vendor trade show; Family Fun Day with art fair; typical Texas BBQ Welcome Dinner with cash bar. Brand new “Birds & Beers” at a birder friendly bar, and “Author’s Wine & Cheese Reception” round out your fun and new friendships. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Kevin K. Karlson, accomplished birder, author, professional tour leader, wildlife photographer and instructor, is a regular at bird festivals in North America, for his keynote presentations, bird identification and photography workshops. Kevin presents, “Through the Looking Glass: Reflections of a Grateful Birder,” a light-hearted experience examining birdwatching through his eyes, exploring why birds fascinate humans; and unique camaraderie fellow birders naturally form. He’ll share photos of birds, people and other creatures from many locations, plus humorous stories that make this hobby lifelong!

Kevin K. Karlson

South Texas Botanical Gardens’ habit is 182 acres of shrub, grassland, natural
wetlands and pond long ago named ‘Gator Lake;’ plus upland Hummingbird, Arid and
Butterfly Gardens Two major trails traverse this diverse ecosystem supporting a wide
variety of wildlife, plants, birds, fish and up-close look at ever-changing wetlands. The
Bird Tower offers a “birds-eye” view of Gator Lake. Cross the Wetland Boardwalk for a
longer hike along the newly hard-surfaced Oso Loop trail.
This outdoor venue contains a multitude of birding opportunities in a prime migration
corridor. Look for vibrant small birds–warblers, vireos, orioles, grosbeaks, buntings; and
shorebirds along water’s edge. Here is diversity of 19 warbler species, 17 shorebirds,
plus ducks, waders, hawks, swallows, flycatchers, Hudsonian Godwit, Tropical Kingbird,
Baird’s Sandpiper, Wilson’s Phalarope, Gull-billed Tern and Swallow-tailed Kite.
On a recent Festival Bird Walk, 92 species were recorded in just three hours!

Janice Wiegand

Take a “deeper” look into our exciting entertainment & Field Trip opportunities on the Birdiest Festival website, 2025 FESTIVAL/Birding Trips. Some trips already SOLD OUT!

Click Here for Birdiest Festival Website
Further questions to veteran Chair Denise,
[email protected]