There are numerous ways to assist our Botanical Gardens staff, on your schedule, with training provided. Many current staff began as volunteers! Join our group, working together in pleasant surroundings, to enhance and expand your South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center! E-MAIL info@stxbot.org to get started.

    • GENERAL GARDENING: Manicuring, planting, watering, nurturing, growing.
    • ROSE GARDEN: Removing spent blooms, weeding, pruning, smelling the roses!
    • HEAVY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE: Mowing, edging, mulching, tree trimming, trail maintenance, light construction.
    • ORCHIDS, BROMELIADS: Helping care for collections in
      Orchid & Bromeliad Conservatories.
    • GIFT SHOP ASSISTANCE: Unpacking, inventory, price-tagging, scanning, display.
    • ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: Helping with database input, mail outs,
      various other tasks.
    • HOUSEKEEPING: Vacuuming, dusting, sanitizing, keeping it clean!
  • BOTH
    • ANIMALS: Helping care for reptiles, parrots, assisting with “encounters”.
    • FIELD TRIP LEADERS: Guiding youth tours, summer camp, science and craft projects, challenging young minds!